Pet Insurance

What Does Pet Insurance Cover? Your Starter Guide

Well, if you own a pet you know how valuable it is to be able to care for your furry friends. Pets are living organisms and they can fall sick or even get injured like any other living being. Hence, pet insurance is used to cater for expenditures such as vet fees which are similar to human health insurance expenses. These vet bills can sometimes be very costly especially when dealing with more complicated cases.

Also, one needs to pay attention to the specifics of the policy because the coverage may differ in different companies. So, it’s important that you understand what pet insurance covers before purchasing it.

What Does Pet Insurance Generally Cover?

Here’s what is typically covered by the best pet insurance plans:

  1. Accidents and Injuries: Covers medical expenses for:
  • ACL ruptures
  • Toxic ingestions
  • Bite wounds
  • Cuts
  • Broken bones
  • Swallowed objects
  1. Common Illnesses: Covers medical expenses for:
  • Diarrhea
  • Ear infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Vomiting
  1. Behavioral Therapy: Covers costs associated with:
  • Aggression
  • Excessive barking
  • Destructive chewing
  1. Hereditary Conditions: Covers medical expenses for:
  • Blood disorders
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Eye disorders
  1. Holistic and Alternative Procedures: Covers expenses for:
  • Acupuncture
  • Laser therapy
  • Chiropractic
  1. Prescription Food and Supplements: Covers costs for:
  • Prescription food and supplements for specific health conditions covered by your policy
  1. Microchip Implantation: Covers costs associated with:
  • Installing a microchip to help locate a missing pet
  1. Chronic Illnesses: Covers medical expenses for:
  • Allergies
  • Digestive problems (e.g., inflammatory bowel disease)
  • Arthritis
  • Seizures
  • Skin conditions
  1. Procedures: Covers costs for medical procedures such as:
  • Surgeries
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hospitalizations
  • Endoscopies
  • Nursing care
  1. Prescription Medications: Covers costs for prescriptions for:
  • Infections
  • Chronic conditions
  • Pain and inflammation
  1. Serious Illnesses: Covers medical expenses for:
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  1. Wellness Procedures: Covers expenses for:
  • Flea and heartworm prevention
  • Neutering
  • Vaccinations
  • Routine wellness exams
  • Spaying
  1. Testing and Diagnostics: Covers costs for testing and diagnostic procedures such as:
  • Ultrasounds
  • Blood tests
  • CT scans
  • MRIs
  • X-rays

Types of Pet Insurance Plans

If your pet becomes ill or gets injured then the insurance provides for the veterinary costs. However, the type of coverage you get depends on the policy and the company you choose.

Usually, there are three kinds of pet insurance:

  • Accident-only plan
  • Accident and illness plan
  • Wellness care plan

Of course, each policy and each company may be different, but these are the choices that are usually presented. Remember when it comes to coverage, the more you want the higher the monthly price would be.

These are the typical coverages offered by the best pet insurance plans: 

Accident-only plan

This type of coverage assists in paying for the costs of veterinary care in case your pet chokes on something they should not consume, is knocked down by a car, or sustains any injuries in some way. It is most popular for those owners who have old-age pets for which they cannot get all-rounded coverage. These include conditions such as: 

  • Bloat
  • Auto Injuries
  • Choking
  • Ingestion or ingestion of substances
  • Cuts
  • Strained muscles
  • Medications for ailments that result from an occurrence
  • Fractures
  • Bites 
  • Eye injuries 
  • Stings
  • Strains

It can be the most affordable pet insurance, especially if the pet is a senior. However, it does not include illness and inherited conditions, and in some plans, wellness care might not be included as an option.

Accident and illness plan

This type of plan provides coverage for sudden occurrences such as accidents, or the development of a health condition such as cancer. It includes everything in a plan that only covers accidents, plus more:

  • Treatment for cancer
  • Long-lasting health problems
  • Conditions that some breeds are prone to
  • Emergency care and specialist care
  • Diagnostic testing and imaging
  • Dental problems
  • Surgery, hospitalization, and nursing care
  • Prescription drugs

This plan deals with diseases that are inherent to pets, emergencies, as well as minor and serious illnesses, and the corresponding tests and treatments that may be required. But it often has a higher price tag than simply having accident coverage. Furthermore, the amount that can be claimed per year or throughout the lifetime of the pet is limited and this means that all the money will not be refunded. Also, it may not address all health concerns, such as hip dysplasia that some dogs are naturally predisposed to.

Wellness care plan

Under wellness coverage, you will get your pet a medical check-up that is not a result of an injury or illness. It is a limited segment of pet insurance and is generally provided as a package to the total policy. Unlike most health plans, wellness plans do not include a deductible but rather provide a fixed amount for each particular procedure. This often includes:

  • Annual checkups
  • Vaccinations
  • Teeth cleaning
  • Heartworm prevention
  • Flea and tick control
  • Spaying/neutering
  • Certain tests

This coverage provides more accessibility to common pet services like checkups, vaccinations, and flea treatments for puppies and kittens and is helpful in identifying potentially serious illnesses. However, it is normally sold as an optional extra for accident and illness policies and can only be signed up for at the time of purchase or policy renewal.